A Place to Experience 
God's Love.

Our church is a place where the doors are open to everyone. No matter how your life journey looks like, we hope you will feel at home here.
New Service Time: 
Sundays - 12:30pm (Bi-lingual)

 New Location:
9739 Huebner Rd, San Antonio, TX 78240

Redeem Your Story...

At Catalyst Church SA in San Antonio, we celebrate the diversity of stories within our community. Our commitment to bilingual services ensures that whether you speak English or Spanish, you'll find a welcoming space to engage with the gospel.

We firmly believe that every life has a narrative, and the beauty of the gospel lies in its ability to intersect with every story. Regardless of where you've been or what you've experienced, Jesus offers redemption, rewriting the ending and infusing hope into every chapter.

Our passion stems from the profound impact of this transformation. We can't help but share what we've personally seen and heard—stories of restoration, healing, and renewed purpose. At Catalyst Church SA, your story matters deeply, and we're here to walk alongside you as we journey together in faith."

It's time to get started.

Looking to be a catalyst for change in your life and community? Our Action Groups are the answer. These dynamic gatherings unite us to ignite transformation in our personal journeys, homes, workplaces, community, and within our church. Join us and become an active participant in creating meaningful change, right where it matters most.

Catalyst Church exist to DISCOVER your passion, NOURISH your call and AIM for your purpose.

Learn more about discovering your DNA...

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