21 Day Fast Devotional
Fasting Day 1: God's Eyes (Ephesians 1:18)
Hello and welcome to Day One of the 21-Day Fast. When you fast to start off the year, you are telling God that your relationship with Him is your top priority for the year. Today is day one and as you walk through your 21-day journey this devotion is designed to walk every step of the way with you. Whether you are doing water only right now or the Daniel Fast, the first day is the most important day.
At some point today, you will probably experience hunger pangs. Your body has a clock and when your normal meal times come around, your body signals that it’s time to eat. Allow those pangs to be reminders that it’s time to pray. So settle in, allow the Lord to do a work like you have never known, and let’s get started together.
Seeing Your Life Through God’s Eyes
Seeing your life only through your own eyes can present a very narrow, critical, and limiting view of yourself. Where you see failure, God sees a ministry. Where you see all you don’t have, God reminds you of all you do have. When you can’t see a way out or a path forward, God sees through to the other side. Where you see defeat, God sees a victory in the making. You must learn to see yourself and your situation through God’s eyes if you intend to see what’s true, what’s possible, and what God has planned. That’s what this fast is all about. Over this next 21 days, allow the Lord to open your eyes into every part of your life to see all He has for you and all He is doing in you.
And so, as you’re joining us on the first day of the fast, I really want to encourage you to begin to expect God to fill you with vision. Vision for your life, vision for your family, vision for your business. Day one will be the most important day because half the battle is simply getting out of the boat and starting to walk. Our theme for the twenty-one days is “Open My Eyes.” Each day contains prayer designed to take you deeper into all God has for you in this new year and new season.
We’re beginning this year saying, “God, open our eyes.” Open our eyes to wonderful things. Open our eyes to revelation. Open our eyes to Your plan, Your direction, and Your purpose. Show us who You are. Show us Your glory. Open our eyes. Give us the eyes that Ephesians 1 talks about, the eyes of understanding. Lord, I ask that You give me eyes to see. I know that many things in my life will have distraction but I ask You to give me Your vision in whichever direction I look. Give me the perspective of Your sight, Your thoughts, and Your desires. For the things I should not be focusing on, turn my head and shift my eyes back to You.
Fasting Day 2: God's Ways (Romans12:2)
Day Two of the Fast is here and you have made it through one of the toughest days – the first one. By now, you are feeling the initial phase of any fast. For many people, today is the hardest, especially if your body is used to receiving a daily dose of caffeine from soda or coffee and the cry of the flesh for its greatest enemy – sugar! Press through today by drinking lots of water and clinging to Jesus. He is nearer than you ever imagined. Press in and ask your questions – spend time in worship and gratitude and allow Him to begin to unpack and heal the broken places and go before you in the stressful situations. Today, we’re emphasizing that God’s ways are not our ways. When you think about the situations that you’re facing, it’s so important to know God’s will in every situation. He enlightens us and He opens our eyes to His wisdom, knowledge, and direction for our life. One thing God promises when you fast is that He’ll open your eyes to divine direction.
His Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways
To know what God thinks about any situation you first have to understand that His ways and His thoughts are very different than our own. To know God’s will in every situation means you have to know Him personally and that can only happen through growing in His Word, through prayer, and by coming under Godly preaching and wise teachers. God will grow you up into maturity if you will make these a priority. You can settle for seeing what you can see in each of your children or you can see them through God’s eyes. You can try to work your way out of a sticky situation or you can inquire of the Lord and allow Him to show you a better way. His ways are knowable but you have to commit to the process of growing up in the Lord.
I want to encourage you today. You can try to work things out your way, and do it yourself, or you can say, “Lord, Your ways are better than my ways, and I’m going to commit the process to You. I give it to You on this fast.” Do not be conformed to this world, the Bible says, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable will of God. When you fast, you’re presenting your body as a living sacrifice. Fasting will help you find the perfect will of God in 2025 for your life. One of the most powerful truths of the Christian faith is that you don’t have to have all the answers. Your heavenly Father is the answer for every question and dilemma you will ever face. We waste so much time and energy worrying or trying to plan for every eventuality when the answer is so simple. Seek Him. Seek Him first. Matthew chapter six holds so many truths for how to live and how to approach every situation. It even contains the Lord’s prayer to teach us how to pray the model prayer. But if you read on to the end of the chapter you eventually come to this:
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:25-34
Lord, I thank You for everything You’ve done for me. I ask You to remind me that Your thoughts and Your ways are higher. Your purpose for my life is so much better than anything I could ever imagine or ask for. Help me remember when I don’t believe it sometimes. I know that You are greater than anything I could ever need and even when it is hard, I still need You, Lord. Help me as I fast and pray during this season. In the name of Jesus, today, I pray that our eyes will be opened, not to our way, but to Your way. Not to our will, but to Your will. And so, as we fast, and as we pray, open our eyes, give us solutions, give us answers, give us direction, God, for this new year. We seek You early, we seek You earnestly and with our whole heart.
Fasting Day 3: God's Power (Romans 8:11)
Welcome to Day Three of the Twenty-One Day Fast. By now you have fully entered something called “ketosis” which is your body’s way of saying that something is happening that is out of the ordinary. You will begin to notice a thick brown coat on your tongue and most will begin to lose weight, mostly water weight. Your body has also begun to adjust and some of the headaches and deep hunger pangs will begin to subside. But something else will begin to happen as well. As you work your way through the day noticing every restaurant and pizza commercial known to mankind – there will be moments of clarity. Don’t make it all about fighting through and just surviving each day. Even in the weak moments – especially in the weak moments – press in. I have learned that when I am at my weakest, if I will listen, He is the loudest. If you will see past your physical desires you will see a whole new dimension of your Savior and you will hear His voice speak into your life and your future.
Seeing God’s Power
Today’s topic is the power of God. You need to know that the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you right this minute! So many times we say, “All things are possible with God!” quoting the famous passage from Luke 1:37. But do we really believe that? Is anything possible? What about for you personally? When Jesus gave the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, He gave us power to do what most would consider impossible. As I stood in the city of Jerusalem recently, I was reminded of the Upper Room where God sent the Holy Spirit. On that day we were all given power – power over the enemy, power to move mountains, power that heals, power that produces the anointing which breaks the yoke. I want to challenge you to look at a few places in your own life that perhaps you have given up on such as dreams, salvation for friends or relatives that seem unreachable, and even for miracles you need right now – a bad medical report, finances, a wayward child, a broken marriage. God is still in the miracle-working business and through the Holy Spirit we have the power living in us to change lives and circumstances in a moment.
Father, I ask You for supernatural power and anointing and resurrection power in dead dreams, dead marriages, and dead situations that feel like they are over. Lord, I know Your anointing can come. Send that power to our nation and to the world. Send Your power, Holy Spirit and open our eyes. Give us the vision that You have for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name.
Fasting Day 4: When We Only See What We Look For (Romans 8:28)
Welcome to Day Four of The Twenty-One Day Fast. By now, you have endured the headaches of those first couple of days as your body began to shed itself of the toxins and poisons we have learned to live with the last twelve months. By today, your stomach has begun to shrink, and for many of you, your hunger has subsided provided you have been drinking enough water – your best friend. But what will begin to sneak up on you at this stage are those pesky cravings. Remember, for most people, your body runs on an internal clock and when you wake up the stomach says to the brain, “It’s breakfast time. Time to eat!” The same thing happens at lunch and dinner time. We’re believing God to open your eyes in every situation. You can choose to see the negative or you can choose to see the positive, and that’s what happens when you begin to fast. God opens your eyes to wonderful things that are happening all around you. Both of us have more to praise God for than to gripe about. There is a unique discipline to the approach that we take when we begin to say, “God, open my eyes to life. Open my eyes to joy. Open my eyes on this fast to hope and victory. Open my eyes, Lord, so that I can see not with a critical eye, but with an encouraging eye that is filled with vision and expectation, approaching every situation knowing that God is up to something amazing.” He can even take the bad situations and make them great. He can make a good situation out of what has seemingly been a disaster in your life. That’s why the scripture said: “All things work together for good to those that love God, and that are called according to His purpose.” Push through these moments of weakness by replacing them with prayer, praise or even a walk sometimes helps. Remember, you are not alone! We are all in this together and if you should need company, join us on the daily fasting blog at jentezenfranklin.org.
Your Approach is Everything
I have learned that in every situation, people choose what they will focus on. Some are going to find everything that is wrong in every room they enter, while another group sees all the amazing and wonderful things that are happening. We see what we look for. The same applies to the way we see each other. There is a unique discipline to the approach we take to people, places, and situations. I have learned that your approach can speak life or death into every situation including your own. When that critical eye is turned on yourself it not only can be discouraging, it can be disastrous. But by the same token – approaching every situation knowing God is up to something amazing can take a bad situation and make it great – and a great situation and make it historic.
I have learned that in nearly every situation, especially in tense or difficult seasons or moments, there are two kinds of people. Most are what I call “thermometers” while a much smaller number are “thermostats.” Thermometers can tell you all about the room. They can describe every difficulty and flaw in great detail and can even define the problem – often times when no one else in the room even knew there was a problem. Far too often, these well-meaning folks can carry a spirit of negativity that can stop a move of God in its tracks. They have an eye for detail which can be a good thing, but if that eye is only looking for what’s wrong in the room, it can miss everything good that is happening. They see what they look for and what they look for are all the flaws – all the imperfections and they miss a move of the Spirit taking place in the very same room. “Thermostats” on the other hand see the same room, even the same problems and, rather than just announce the issues, they adjust the thermostat – and the temperature in the room changes without anyone even noticing the subtle change. They see the value in what is happening and look for ways to call attention to the good and minimize the bad. They don’t just explain what they see – they take action.
God, take the negativity out of me, and put in me the spirit of hope, faith, and love. Lord, we agree for it. Touch our eyes, open our eyes to see the positive. Help us to think positive thoughts. Teach us to believe for good things. Remind us that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Fasting Day 5: Gratitude Determines Attitude (John 16:33)
After you have fasted for 5 days your energy level may decrease because you are lacking the two things that normally keep you wound up: caffeine and sugar. Thankfully, the low energy blues don’t last too long if you will stick to your plan. As you fast today, remember this: gratitude determines your attitude. We need a spirit of gratitude, and what we’re praying for is that we will be thankful. One thing fasting does is it clears your mind. It removes all of the distractions of normal life, and you begin to develop a gratitude of your salvation and the fact that your name is written in heaven. Fasting reminds you of the fact that you have a covenant with God. When I fast, all of the problems of life that were so big before I started fasting begin to shrink. They become small when I get in the presence of God. I hope you’ll do that today as you worship. Put on some worship, and create an attitude of gratitude. Begin to thank God. Bless Him, out loud. Say praise words and praise phrases to God, and tell Him thank You for everything, for the small things and the great things. He’s worthy of the praise. People with great faith approach situations differently because they know the battle is won before they ever enter the room. They take the high road of just praising God, giving Him the glory. Just say, “Lord, I want You to give me on this fast a fresh attitude of gratitude.” If you’ll do that, you’ll see the goodness of the Lord in your life. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation,” Jesus said, “But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Listen to that. “Be of good cheer.” (John 16:33) Get an attitude of gratitude, smile, and thank God for His goodness in your life today. Give us that spirit that says, “God, I’m grateful.”
Your Gratitude Determines Your Attitude
In every situation you encounter there is always one thing you have complete control over: your attitude. Your attitude determines your approach and your approach to a situation or another person can escalate or de-escalate, bring tension or calm, trust or turmoil. If you truly believe that the Lord works all things together for your good, then start there. Start knowing that God is going to bring something good into every situation – that He has your best interest in mind.
I have learned through experience that a person’s attitude can tell me a lot about their level of faith. People with great faith approach situations differently because they know the battle is won before they ever enter the room. They take the high road because they know it’s not all about them. If you want to go higher with the Lord – then be humble – if you want to soar with eagles then learn patience and perseverance in the valley, knowing you are in God’s hands.
Father, bless and keep us today, and give us the spirit that says, “God, I’m grateful. If You never did anything else for me other than sending Your Son to die for me, it would be more than enough. Forgive me for the times I lose sight of that and develop an attitude of complaining and griping. Develop in me an attitude of gratitude that cannot be shaken. Today I will give thanks for You are good and Your love endures forever.”
Fasting Day 6: Perfect Vision Is Not Enough - Eyes On One Side Only (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Stay the course! Your first full work week is coming to an end and you can spend more time with the Lord as you fast. By now you have probably experienced it all: headaches, nausea, the brown tongue and the bad breath it produces, and the low energy spells. I promise you, if you will stay the course, there is a sweetness coming when you hit your stride in week two. Today, we’re fasting and praying, and we’re going to really center in on one word: focus. Ask God to give you the focus that you need this new year. Ask Him to show you what you need to focus on. Some people have 20/20 vision of their past, and they only focus on what’s behind them. They’re completely blind to the amazing future that God has for them. Whether you are wildly successful, or you’re enduring some of the greatest trials of your life, you don’t need to focus on your past. You need to focus on the future. God stands ready to hand you the next chapter of your life, but if all you can see is what’s behind you, you’ll never know what’s before you. Leave the past behind, and turn around, and see all that God has for you. He said in the scripture, “Not that I have already attained, or that I have perfected, but I press on and I fix my eyes on what lies ahead. I lay hold of that which the Lord Jesus has for me, and I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, I forget those things which are behind and I reach forward into those things which are ahead.” That’s what God wants you to do. Focus on what’s ahead, not on what’s behind. I believe you’re going to find that upward call of Jesus Christ.
Focus is Everything
You can’t grab hold of your future if you’re focused on your past. Allow me to paint a word picture. If your body is turned in one direction you can’t see what’s behind you because it’s physically impossible. You have to turn around to see the other direction. The same is true spiritually. Some people have 20/20 vision of their past – but they are completely blind to the amazing future God has for them.
Whether you were wildly successful or endured some of life’s greatest hardships in your past, at some point you have to turn your back on all that, turn around and adjust your focus on your future. God stands ready to hand you the next chapter of your life, but if all He can see is your back, you’ll never even know He’s there. Leave the past behind; turn around and see all the Lord has for you.
Father, we pray today for the right focus. Open our eyes to focus in on what matters, focus on our family, focus on our marriages, focus on people that love us, and that we love. Help us to have a focus, most importantly, on You, Jesus. We’re not fasting to be fasting. We’re fasting to see You, to focus on You, to make You supreme Lord of our lives.
Fasting Day 7: Seeing Your Sin (Psalm 139:21-24)
Welcome to Day Seven of fasting and prayer. One full week at the end of today. Drink your water and fight for time with the Lord. He is much nearer than you might have imagined and your breakthrough is closer than you think. Press in. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who are joining us on this fast, and we’re so thankful that you’re doing it today. I was recently in a very special place, the Garden of Gethsemane. As I stood there, I had you on my mind. And I prayed, “God, open their eyes to the price that Jesus paid and the value He placed on each of them when His sweat became as drops of blood; where He, in great anguish, took the cup and took into His body their sins, diseases, pain, and heartache.” Many of you are feeling the weakness of your flesh, and your spirit is willing saying, “Don’t quit. Don’t give up. You can do it. Seek God. Seek God.” But your flesh is saying, “Just quit. What difference is it making?” You know what? I would almost guarantee, if you’re truly fasting, you’ve entered into such warfare that the enemy has hit you with things out of nowhere and you want to give up. I’m praying for you that you will not quit, that you will not give up, but you will seek God and finish this first week with great victory. You know what? The devil’s a liar because he said you wouldn’t make it seven days, and you’ve made it seven days, and now you’re going to make it another seven days, and another seven days, because your heart is set to seek the Lord.
Open My Eyes to My Sin – If there be any wicked way in me, show me, Lord.
Today I want to challenge you to a time of self-reflection and honest inquiry with the Lord. It seems like everyone calls themselves a Christian these days, but we know that simply isn’t true. To be born again means just that – there has been a death to the old you and you have become a new creation. I am always a bit taken back to read where people can live together out of wedlock, steal on their taxes, rage at their spouse, or fill in the blank…and still come to church, lift their hands to Jesus and worship as if there was nothing wrong. For some it is sheer rebellion and disobedience. They know better and they choose to live in it. But I have also encountered people who sincerely and genuinely do not know that what they are doing is wrong in God’s eyes.
It isn’t always some overt in your face sin. For some it’s things they do in private, or in relationships, or even things they were brought up believing are normal. For others, it’s living in unforgiveness or bitterness. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to anything He wants to rid you of – take from you – or set you free from. Sometimes we can’t see sin with our natural eyes. But if you will ask if there is something there, He will show you. There is no time like during a fast when you are washing out all the toxins and impurities to have those areas of darkness and sin washed out as well.
Father, I pray today that our spirit man would become so strong that, as we fast, the flesh would be reduced and the spirit be made more and more like the image of Jesus Christ. We submit everything to You in prayer. Lord, I hold up the people who are fasting and praying these 21 days. I hold up their families. I hold up all the prayer requests that have been coming in. I hold them up, Lord, and I ask You to move mightily. Release angels the way an angel came and ministered to You in the Garden of Gethsemane, Lord. I pray angels will be released on this fast, angels that fight, angels that direct, angels that stand by us through life’s greatest storms. In Jesus’ mighty name, Hallelujah.
Fasting Day 8: Seeing Your Current Situation (Proverbs 3:5-6)
This is Day Eight of our 21-Day Fast, and we’re so glad that you’re joining us on this fast. One of the interesting things about fasting is that even though your world has been turned upside down for a season – the rest of the world goes along as if nothing is happening. But let me be the first to remind you – something is happening and all of heaven is sitting up and taking notice. Don’t look back now. Press on and press in!
Seeing God in the Storms of Life
Many times, the greatest obstacle to moving forward with the Lord isn’t in the past; it’s some paralyzing event or set of circumstances happening right now. Criticism, betrayal, conflict or even things like a bad medical report or a child who is far away from God can stop you where you stand and things like purpose, calling, and legacy seem like a distant, fading ship in the fog. I bring you good news – Jesus hasn’t gone anywhere, and just like He was with Peter when Peter walked on water – He is right there to save you. Your hope is not gone. Your future is secure and that set of circumstances you find yourself in is but a season, not a sentence. When your world appears as though it’s all falling apart in the physical, it’s actually falling into place in the spiritual. God’s got you!
Recently, Cherise and I were at the Dead Sea, which is literally the lowest place on the earth. Maybe you’re there, spiritually. Maybe you’re there emotionally. The reason that it’s called the “Dead Sea” is because there’s nothing living in it. It’s so salty because it has no outlets. It only takes in, it doesn’t give out. Here is the lesson of the Dead Sea: When you get discouraged, go and help somebody else. Encourage somebody else. Love somebody else. Don’t become a Dead Sea, only taking in and never giving out. Sometimes when you’re fasting and praying, it will bring up a lot of negative emotions. Elijah, when he fasted, went under a juniper tree and became depressed. Fasting cleanses us spiritually, yes, but it cleanses and stirs us emotionally as well. But what brought Elijah out of his cave of depression was when God told him to go anoint somebody else. When he went and anointed three people, his depression lifted. Trust Him and draw near. He is your protector, defender and your strong tower. He goes before you and prepares the way. In times like these you have to trust God and lean not in your own understanding. Keep walking with Him; especially when your emotions are taking you down a darker path. Stop where you are, look up and call out His name. He will answer you and direct your path back to the light. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). This is a promise you can count on when your emotions cause you to fear and see only the negative.
Father, encourage people today. Turn them from a Dead Sea to a flowing mighty river. Today when they are tempted to take their eyes off of You and onto the storm, remind them of the hope of glory You’ve called them to. Shift their perspective and focus to find You in every storm. Remind them that You are near to the brokenhearted and close to the crushed in spirit. In Jesus’ Name.
Fasting Day 9: Seeing Your Potential (Joel 2:24-29)
Welcome to Day Nine of our 21-day Fast. I have been to the mountain where the Bible said, “Jesus, for 40 days and 40 nights, fasted and prayed in the wilderness, being led by the Spirit.” I cannot imagine why He chose that place for such a historical event. It’s so barren out there with none of the comforts of our life. To be out in those extreme places and to know what Christ went through there was almost overwhelming. Today, as we are fasting and we’re praying, I want to focus on those of you who are in a wilderness place right now. I want you to focus on being led of the Spirit, wherever the Spirit leads you. If He’s allowing you to be in the middle of a wilderness situation in your life, it’s because He’s going to bring something out of it. The Bible said, “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit.” And that’s what I believe is going to happen to you on this fast. As you come out of it, you’re going to return in the power of the Holy Spirit – the very same spirit Jesus was talking about. If you haven’t been able to focus on anything other than your hunger pangs, you are about to experience a sweetness in your daily walk and prayer time. It’s a natural response from a supernatural God.
God has an Amazing Purpose for Your Life
Did you know you were created for a purpose that is bigger than you could imagine? In fact, if I could do anything differently in my thirty-plus years of ministry I would have dreamed bigger! Not only can I never out-give God – I can’t out-dream Him. And neither can you. If there is one thing I can tell you for certain it’s that God has a plan and a purpose for your life that He thought of long before you were even born. Scripture confirms this over and over. What an exciting time to be alive and what an amazing gift to know He has a plan and a purpose for the one life you’ve been given to live.
I want to challenge you to see what’s possible – and then see it bigger. It’s easy to imagine something for a moment and say, “That would be nice.” But I’m talking about actually getting a picture in your head and seeing it, today, tomorrow, and every day. And here’s the good news – none of what you can imagine is dependent solely on you. You plus the Lord is an army and anything is possible.
Allow me to pray for you today. Father, the Bible teaches that You, Jesus, were led of the Spirit, after being baptized in the Jordan River, to the wilderness to fast and pray. And God, I pray for those that are encountering their wilderness. I thank You today, that Your grace is sufficient. I thank You today that the Comforter is with us. And I thank You, Lord, that You’re going to bring people out of this fast, with the power of the Holy Spirit, resting heavily on them.
Fasting Day 10: Through The Eyes Of Those Closest To You (Hebrews 7:17)
I want to welcome you to Day Ten. As we’re fasting and praying together, we’re so thankful for this massive army that is joining us, all over the world, people fasting and praying. And today the focus is on, “Open my eyes, Lord, and let me see through the eyes of those who know me best.” You know, it’s our family that matters the most. And sometimes we’re impressing others, but we’re not really having impact on our own families. I pray that what we are in public is seen in private by our families. I also want to really encourage you to spend time with others who are fasting. You can do that in person or online. Another way to stay connected is to go to our website and blog with other people fasting just like you. Go to jentezenfranklin.org for fasting friends, recipes and other resources designed to help you finish this fast.
Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Those That Know You Best
If your family was asked to describe your character what would they say? If they were asked about your strengths and weaknesses would there be any surprises? Most of us have a public life and a private life and our families see us in our private lives when our guard is down. Who we are in public matters. But what our families and those who know us best see matters even more.
If I’ve led thousands to the Lord but lost the respect and admiration of my family then something is not right. To see yourself through your immediate and extended family’s eyes and those who know you best is an exercise worth trying. I don’t ever want to be what’s standing between Jesus and those I love the most. And neither do you.
Father, today, on this 10th day, do a work in our families and in our own life, through the eyes of those who know us best. Let us be transparent and pure and real. Let us be kind. Let us be forgiving. Let us be compassionate one to another, tenderhearted, as the scripture said, with brothers, with sisters, with parents, with children, with any areas of reconciliation needed. I pray today for that kind of power to be released on our families and in our own lives, In Jesus’ name.
Fasting Day 11: Through The Eyes Of Conflict (1 Peter 3:9)
It’s Day Eleven of our 21-day Fast. I pray that the daily devotion and the lessons on each page have helped grow you. I also pray that your eyes have been opened to things you haven’t seen before. And I come bearing good news – the best is yet to come. The last ten days are the sweetest of all if you will stay the course. I also come with a word of grace – if you fall off the wagon and eat something that violates the fast you committed to, shake it off. Jump back in immediately. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person; it means you are human. There’s grace for that. Today we’re focusing on eyes that are open to seeing resolved conflicts in our life. Are there conflicts on your job? Are there conflicts in your family? Are there conflicts with friends? Maybe somebody said something, did something, that has really offended you or hurt you.
Seeing Conflict Through God’s Eyes
I remember reading that over 70% of all people do not enjoy their work. When this is broken down, two of the most common reasons are difficult colleagues and office politics. When the statistics are that high, then I know I’m speaking to a whole lot of folks. There will always be difficult people in our lives because we are all human and all uniquely different. My guess is that when I said “difficult person” a face came to your mind. The question isn’t, “How do you see the most difficult person in your world?” The important question is, “What do you do with the most difficult person in your life?”
Hold the face of that difficult person in your focus for a moment and answer a few questions. What does that person think of you? When that person sees you do they see a loving man or woman of God or something else? Didn’t Jesus die for your most difficult person? How do you think God sees that difficult person? Could there be a reason the Lord placed you in that person’s life?
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray today for the spirit of peace. I pray today for the spirit of reconciliation, of victory in every conflict. There are many people who are going through things during this fast. Maybe it’s a lawsuit; maybe it’s a problem on the job where there’s great conflict. May You open our eyes and give us the method, the way to peace and reconciliation with people in difficult situations. We ask for it, Lord. We submit it to You today, God. I thank You for the anointing to bring the resolution to conflict into these situations. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Fasting Day 12: Opening Your Eyes To The Presence Of God (Psalms 139:16-17)
Welcome to Day Twelve! Today’s topic – the Presence of God is what this fast is all about and I truly believe that if you have been fasting this past 11 days that you are experiencing His presence and sensing a call to what God would have you do next. Press in and stay the course, my friend. This next nine days will go by in a flash! Today we’re focusing on the Lord opening our eyes to the presence of Jesus. There’s an amazing verse in Luke 2 that talks about how Jesus was lost and his parents didn’t even know it. They sought for Him and, after a few days, they found Him in the temple. It’s amazing to me that those who were closest to Jesus lost His personal presence. And that’s what fasting is really all about. Fasting is saying, “Lord, I feel distant. I know I’m saved. I know You love me and I know that I love You, but I feel like I’m losing Your presence in my life. I want Your presence in an intimate way, near me again.” The Bible said His parents found Him in the temple. I’m praying that today, as you fast and you pray, God will open your eyes, and you’ll find the personal presence of Jesus. In the midst of all the distraction, in the midst of the busyness of life, that as you’re fasting, it’s like a spiritual string tied on your finger to remind you: “I need You, Jesus. I need Your presence in a new year. I want Your Presence, not just in my church, but in my home. I want it in my family. I want Your presence in my life and I want You to live in me, and perfect in me Your image and Your will.” Today, may the Lord open your eyes to the presence of Jesus; His healing presence, His delivering presence, His encouraging presence that drives fear away. Let His presence fill you with courage and boldness, and let fear melt off of you today.
Seeing and Experiencing the Presence of God
What an amazing thought that the God of the universe thinks about me. And He thinks about you…a lot. So many people see their relationship with God as all one way – praying to God, worshiping God, and learning from His Word. But there is a whole other dimension when you consider that God wants to speak to you about you. Like any other relationship, it’s a two-way communication.
If there is anything I have learned about my relationship with the Lord it’s that He desires to speak to me, reveal things to me, and love me. I don’t hear audible voices so it’s not anything like that, but I will tell you this, I know when He’s spoken to me, and so will you. And I know when I have been in His Presence and there isn’t anything that compares.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray today for the tens of thousands of people that are joining us on this fast. May the presence of Jesus be real in their life. May they find You. May the presence of God be found; the tangible anointing of God in our lives. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Fasting Day 13: The Incense Of Prayer
As we approach the end of week 2, hopefully you have hit your stride and you have experienced moments of peace or, better yet, revelation. Remember to stay connected to others at this time at jentezenfranklin.org. Today, we’re talking to you about the “Incense of Prayer.” The Bible said in Psalm 141:2 that our prayers rise before God as incense. In Jerusalem there is a very special place of prayer called the Wailing Wall. If you go to the Wailing Wall anytime – 24 hours a day – there’s prayer going up…prayer going up like incense. When we pray and when we fast we believe that we can affect change for the good. There’s something about praying that God would release His help, His love, His mercy and His grace on our families, our lives, on our nation, and on the nation of Israel.
Blind Spots
I want to encourage you today to send your prayers up all day long. We’re believing for God to move mightily in your life as you’re fasting, as you’re praying, and as this ministry is fasting and praying. We do it every year at the beginning of the year. I’m also seeking the Lord through fasting and praying just like you. I praise the Lord for those of you who are joining us. Never forget – fasting does two things to your prayers. It builds your faith and increases your fervency. The two things that God said you have to have to get prayers answered is faith and fervency. And when we fast it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much.
Are there places in your life where your vision is obstructed? If yes, stop and pray right now and yield those places to the Lord. If you can’t think of any, then ask the Lord to reveal places where you aren’t seeing the full picture. Sometimes it’s a bias or something you have just always believed was true. Maybe it’s a blind spot you have in a relationship or in the way you see another person…maybe even a person who is very close to you. If you will ask the Lord to reveal these areas of your thinking or belief system…He will. He may not reveal it immediately but I believe if you will ask Him, He will show you before this 21-day fast is over.
The two things that God said you must have to have your prayers answered are faith and fervency. When we fast and we pray it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much. So God, I pray today for those who are fasting and praying by the millions around the world. I thank You, Lord, for those who have made a decision to say, “God, open my eyes to the power of prayer, of burning incense.” If it’s worth worrying about, it’s worth praying about. God says, “I hear your prayers from this holy place.” And God, I just pray today for every person who needs Your help and needs Your strength, Your love, Your mercy and Your grace. Touch our families, touch our lives. Touch each ministry fasting with us as well. Oh God, keep Your hand upon us and hear our cry and hear our prayer. We pray today for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray today for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We pray Your hand mightily upon them with protection and favor and help. And Lord, I pray for our country. I pray for our elections. I pray for this year that we would have leaders who stand with Israel – who will stand and remember Jerusalem and remember our connection to our faith. It all goes back to Jerusalem where Jesus Christ bled and died, and He rose from the dead. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Fasting Day 14: Foreign Objects
Welcome to the 14th day of fasting and prayer. You’re headed into your final week now, the final seven days. I’m believing for breakthroughs like you’ve never dreamed or seen. Please know I’m praying for you today that God would open your eyes like never before and give you the power of a firm stand. The Bible said in Joshua chapter 4, “After they crossed over the Jordan into the promised land, that they stood in the middle of the river bed to gather the rocks to build an altar.” You’re going to be standing in the middle of your miracles this year as you fast and as you pray. Don’t be shocked at where you end up.
Your Inner Eyes-Wisdom and Discernment
They say that nothing is more harmful to the eye than foreign objects. In fact, God gave you two different features designed to keep foreign objects out: the eyelid and the sclera. The eyelid is the outer protection that we close when we see harmful objects coming. But the sclera, which is the white of your eyes, protects the eyes from the unseen items that try to assault your eyes such as pollen, dust, and tiny particles that can create discomfort or even severe damage. In the spiritual sense, the eyelid would be wisdom for the issues you encounter each day whereas the sclera would represent discernment.
Not every challenge you will face will be seen with the naked eye. Many times, the challenges are only felt or sensed. That’s why it’s critical that you have a prayer time and spend time in God’s Word. Your spiritual sensitivity will give you a “no” in your spirit when everyone else sees only a yes. Your spiritual sensitivity – or discernment – is what will cause you to see the truth in a situation where your physical eyes see just the opposite. That comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.
Father, bless today those who are fasting and praying with the power of a strong firm stand and a thirst to know You and Your thoughts, and Your ways better. In Jesus’ name. God bless you and keep you. May His face shine on you, be gracious unto you, lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. God bless Jerusalem and God give them peace like never before. Amen.
Fasting Day 15: Eyes Filled With Pain
Here we go! The third and final week! While this could be your greatest breakthrough week ever, I do want to warn you about a few things. Every commercial you see on television will be a pizza commercial. It will seem as though there are one thousand more restaurants in your city and cheeseburgers will be on every billboard. So you have to be like Peter when he got out of that boat. Don’t look! Keep your eyes on Jesus.
As We Age – We Must Remain Flexible and our Eyes Must Be Open to New Ways of Looking at Old Truths in New Ways.
Change is inevitable, and sometimes it’s harder to navigate as you get older. As we age, our eyes have to be recalibrated through new eyes-glasses in the physical and a teachable, flexible attitude in the spirit world. One of the signs that an eye is aging is when the surface begins to harden and becomes less flexible. Things that used to be crystal clear are now blurry. After you pass the age of 40, it’s harder to focus on objects up close. Presbyopia is a normal loss of focusing ability as you grow older. For a time, you can compensate for presbyopia by holding reading material farther away from your eyes, but eventually you will need reading glasses or surgery. The same is true when it comes to your spiritual life. As we age, the world begins to change all around us and what used to be clear becomes blurry and, despite our efforts to compensate, we need God’s help to see what He is doing today. You can try to act like everything is fine – or worse yet, you can dig in and insist you don’t need to change anything. But it’s not long until you are bumping into everyone and everything and creating more problems than you are solving.
No matter what your age, the Lord’s not through with you yet. Allow Him to open your eyes to new ways of doing things and new roles He has for you as you age gracefully but effectively. The church is in desperate need of wise counsel and men and women who have braved the storms of life - seeing the highs and lows - and who are willing to walk patiently with the young.
Let’s pray. Father, thank You that, just like at the Pool of Bethesda, You are still the Healer. You are still the Anointed One, and You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. I pray for every person reading this to receive a fresh anointing to be healed, and that long-time, long-term difficulties and bondages would break in the name of Jesus while we fast and pray.
Fasting Day 16: Godly Contentment
I pray that you are experiencing the Lord in amazing ways. You have His attention so press in. Ask your questions and allow Him to reveal His plans for you. Write everything down that He shows you so you have a reminder when this season of fasting is over. Press in, friend. Worship Him and tell Him you love Him and allow Him to fill your room, car or wherever you are with His presence.
Contentment is Directly Connected to Gratitude
The dictionary definition of the word “contentment” is “a state of happiness and satisfaction.” Let me ask you a question: Are you happy? I understand hunger, drive, goals and dreams…but putting all those aside for just a moment, are you happy? When happiness and contentment are always something out in the future that occurs after we have arrived or after some great achievement, we miss God all together.
When you are walking through the dark hallway of life’s pressures and trials, God can open your eyes to discover untapped potential, beauty, truth, and life. True contentment can only be experienced when our eyes are open to all God has done for us and we are rooted in gratitude and our eyes can see what is so obvious to everyone else. If all you had was your salvation you would have enough to be thankful for every day. If your family is saved as well you are blessed beyond measure in any situation…even death.
Lord, I thank You for all that You’ve done for me. I love You and I praise You for the blessings You’ve given me. I ask You, God, to keep my contentment and happiness always focused on You. I don’t want my happiness and contentment to be filled by something or someone else. Remind me to not fill that with other things of this world. I know only You, God, can fully bring me love and happiness, joy and contentment. Don’t let the things of this world pull me away from that truth.
Fasting Day 17: We Win! Over And Over
Welcome to Day Seventeen of the 21-day Fast! By now, depending on how closely you stuck to the fast, you should actually feel bursts of energy and incredible mental clarity. It is amazing what the brain can do when the body rids itself of toxins and the digestive system has been given rest. You have probably lost weight which has other positive health benefits. But don’t think for a second that you are above temptation. Stay connected to others, especially now when you are so close. We’re believing for God to do great and mighty things in your life today. I want to encourage you to ask God for any and everything that your heart is full of.
Knowing the Battle has Already Been Won Should Affect How You See the Problems and Challenges You Face
It always amazes me to see people get so worked up about the evil that exists in the world. Don’t get me wrong, the Bible says that we are to hate evil…and I do, but not as one who lives in fear that evil might win. The victory for all time was won at Calvary and the deal was sealed with the empty tomb. The end result has never been in doubt in God’s eyes. That’s a perspective far too many overlook. If you will allow the Lord to open your eyes to what’s true about the enemy Satan you will see a desperate being who knows his time is short and his final end is near.
Knowing you are in a fight where the outcome has already been decided should change the way you carry yourself when difficulties arise and when discouragement comes knocking at your door. You carry an extraordinary mantle of victory and the banner of the King’s child into every situation you encounter. If we ever really understood who we are and knew that we would always win we would carry ourselves very differently in every situation. Victory doesn’t always look like victory in a particular moment but every war has its battles and one battle does not win the war. We win when setbacks do not leave us feeling at a loss. We win when we truly model with our countenance that we are victorious because the battle has already been won. We need to act like we really believe that because we did – He did.
Lord, in the final few days of this fast, we submit everything to You, knowing we are victorious already because the battle has been won! We humbly ask for Your will in all we do with the time we have here on earth. You are sovereign, God, and we trust You, even when we don’t understand everything. We completely surrender to You. Take out of us the will to try to control and play God, because You are God and we are not. And so, Lord, we submit all things to You in prayer and fasting today. And I know Your will is going to be done and Your will is always right. So, God, we bless You. In Jesus’ name we commit and submit all things into Your hand. Amen and Amen.
Fasting Day 18: How You Win Everyday
The final weekend is at hand and so is food around every corner. You’ve come too far to turn back now. Don’t settle for anything less than the full 21 days. Remember also that if you slip up here or there, jump right back in. You are never disqualified from setting yourself apart to be with Jesus. If you have learned anything by now, I pray you have learned that advancement in the kingdom is a spiritual process – not a physical one. Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world – and most importantly, we win – not by might and not by power, but by His Spirit in us. Today I want to focus on staying sharp through the daily disciplines of the faith. In some parts of the country there are lumberjack competitions where the biggest and strongest compete by chopping down trees and sawing through thick logs. In one such competition, there was a match between a young, strong ax man and an older, slimmer one. By the end of the day of competition, the old man had cut down double the amount of trees that the young man had cut down. Frustrated the younger ax man finally confronted the older and said, “I don’t understand. I never stopped swinging. I never stopped. You know, I never stopped cutting down trees and yet you took two breaks every hour. How could you cut down more trees?” The older man, with humble eyes and a kind reply said, “Every time I stopped, I sharpened my axe.” A lot of people are swinging, but they don’t have the edge. You can chop all you want, but if you’ve lost the edge, it won’t matter. You will feel defeated and worn out, swinging as hard as you can, all day every day, only to feel defeated with winning always just out of reach.
Your Enemy Isn’t Human – Your Weapons are Not Carnal (man-made)
If there was any one point I would want you to walk away knowing, more than anything else, it’s that because you are a Christian there will be attacks on your life and the lives of your loved ones. I would want you to know that your enemy does not wear a human face because he is a spirit and because he is a spirit, no man-made weapon can help you. I would ask that you be able to see the many weapons at your disposal, but they are not instruments you can hold in your hand.
Your weapons are your testimony and scripture, to stand and not fall. The battle belongs to the Lord. Just like Jesus did when tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He responded with scriptural reminders about the God He served rather than engage in debate or argument.
According to II Corinthians 10:4 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. The attacks of the enemy are real, but no weapon formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17).
So Father, I just pray for every person who is reading this today, that You would give them their edge back. Give them that spiritual power, not just swinging the ax, not just a dull blade, but give them that sharpness back in their walk like never before. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Fasting Day 19: The Unseen Road Ahead
It’s Day Nineteen of the Fast. By now, you’re craving a hamburger, you’re craving some steak, you’re craving a lot of things. For some people these past 18 days have just been normal days. The question is: Will the normal days do for them what these 18 days of sacrifice did for you? Will putting God first for this season of your life, and this year of your life matter? What will it do for you? His Word says in Matthew chapter 6, “If you seek me first, I’ll add all the rest that you will ever need.” And that’s exactly what we’re believing for. Today, I just want to challenge you to submit the choices and the decisions that you have to make to God in prayer and in fasting. That in every decision, moment, and every crossroads you come to, His will will be apparent to you. Even when you have to make a quick decision, you don’t have to do a lot of praying because you have been with Him – and His will reveals itself to you in a way that brings peace and confirmation. The Bible says in Proverbs 3 to “Acknowledge Him in all of your ways, and He’ll direct your path.” What we’re doing on this fast is saying again and again “Lord, lead me.”
God Has a Plan for Your Life – and Total Surrender is the Quickest Road to Your Future
You may have heard the comment that if you want to make God laugh, make plans. There is actually more truth to that than meets the eye. There is a plan and a purpose for your life, whether you can see it right now or not. Here’s another shocker. Even if you have a dream you see out in the future, more often than not, what lies ahead is far greater than you even imagined. I believe there is an assignment on every life and yours is the one requiring your DNA. Imagine Moses or David…Peter or Paul. Could they have ever even imagined the directions their lives would go once they committed to walking with Christ? No way. And neither can you.
I have a challenge for you. If you truly want to give God permission to do anything with your life He wants, then simply proclaim these three simple statements: I’ll go anywhere. I’ll go anytime. I’ll do anything. There is no telling all the Lord will do with the person who says those three things.
And Father, I pray today for every decision that we will face this year. We need Your wisdom, Lord. We need Your divine help. We need Your direction. We submit to You today in fasting and in prayer. Guide our steps. Lead our children and our children’s children to the right schools, to the right people, to the right friends, right choices, right voices, right decisions. In Jesus’ mighty name.
Fasting Day 20: Seeing Your Purpose
For most people on this 21-day journey, it’s the end of the final week and you are at the end of your fasting time. I believe you will see results that continue to happen throughout the rest of the year and even into next December as we have witnessed every year from so many people. The fast isn’t just about what happens during these 21 days. I’m going to pray for you today and for your family and for your life as you’re fasting and as you’re praying. Just release your faith now. Make up your mind that this is going to be a year of prayer. I have been fasting right along with you every step of the way and have felt the things you have felt physically and worshipped right along with you under that same set of stars. I never regret one single second I have fasted and the rewards have been too many to count. I will be praying that the Lord gives you extra strength these last few hours until the fast ends.
What If Your Purpose was Everything You Can Imagine? Trust Your Kingdom Desires.
I have a question for you. What if the very thing God has for your life is exactly what you would love to do the most? The problem with that for so many people is that they really don’t know what that is. What about you? When you dream a dream, what do you see? Who is there with you? What kinds of things are you doing? Who are you helping? Psalm 37:4 says to “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” What are the desires of your heart? I believe that God wants us, as New Testament believers, to establish this year in prayer. Drive a stake down and say I will pray this year! You need a place of prayer and you need a time of prayer if you’re going to have the power of consistency in prayer. So just make up your mind that you’re going to have a time of prayer and a place of prayer this year. The thing about prayer is that even if you don’t feel like praying, when you have an appointment with God, you can go and be silent. Your very presence says, “I’m here for you, Jesus. I’m here to be with you. I’m here, just in the silence.” Sometimes when I go to my prayer place, I pray out loud. I like to walk through the woods and if you came up on me, you would think I was talking to myself, but I’m really talking to God. But other times I just walk those trails. The moment that my feet hits those trails, I sense and I know and I believe God knows that I’m there for Him. Sometimes I don’t talk at all. I just walk and think. I just say, “I’m here, Lord, and I worship you.” Sometimes I’ll put on some music in my ears and just listen to worship and walk through those woods and give God praise and give God thanksgiving. You decide in those moments what you will do – but make that appointment – pick that place and designate that time. He will meet you there every time.
Too often we wrestle with the question, “Is this from the Lord or from my own mind?” But I have come to learn that when I am walking with Jesus, I can trust the desires I have as seeds He is planting in me; desires He is giving me just like the passage says. But I also believe that God helps us by confirming what we think we have heard from the Lord through His Word, His people, or by revelation.
Lord, from this powerful place of prayer, I humbly acknowledge You, Jesus, as Lord. And I praise You. I pray this prayer over the people who have fasted and prayed for 20 days. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation in this year, deliver us from the evil one in this year. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Fasting Day 21: Seeing Your Purpose
Welcome to Day Twenty One of the 21-day Fast of this year. You made it! You did it and I’m so proud of you! I believe God is saying, “I’m well pleased and I’ve received your fast and I’ve received your prayers,” and God is opening your eyes to the wonderful things, to the mighty things. I pray you have experienced God’s presence in ways you will never forget. I pray that the Lord has opened your eyes to things you never saw before. I pray that you have been changed forever and that the ramifications of this 21 days will be felt all around the globe. Please email us or leave a response or fasting testimony by going to jentezenfranklin.org.
If You Can See It, You Can Be It. Get a Picture in Your Mind of Where You are Going.
As you finish your twenty-one day fast I want to challenge you to take a moment right where you are and think of one thing you would like to see the Lord do in the next thirty days. Now I want to ask you to take that something and get a picture in your mind of what it looks like if it were to happen. See it with as much detail and clarity as you possibly can.
Do you have enough faith to actually see what you need or are asking for? I believe opening the eyes of your mind to see what’s possible is a missing ingredient for far too many people doing their best to stand on faith and belief, but not daring to actually see it in their mind’s eye. If you truly desire that something in the Lord, paint that picture in your mind today – and watch to see the miracle that is possible when faith takes a picture and allows it to develop over time. You can’t get somewhere you can’t see. You won’t find acres of diamonds until you get a divinely-inspired image of what it might look like.
God, I thank You so much for getting me through the end of this fast. I praise You for the strength and willpower You have given me. I praise You for helping me overcome the hungers and aches, the temptations and trials. I ask You to help me continue to see the bigger picture for my future, to continue for me to believe in greater things to come. I thank You for everything.
Hello and welcome to Day One of the 21-Day Fast. When you fast to start off the year, you are telling God that your relationship with Him is your top priority for the year. Today is day one and as you walk through your 21-day journey this devotion is designed to walk every step of the way with you. Whether you are doing water only right now or the Daniel Fast, the first day is the most important day.
At some point today, you will probably experience hunger pangs. Your body has a clock and when your normal meal times come around, your body signals that it’s time to eat. Allow those pangs to be reminders that it’s time to pray. So settle in, allow the Lord to do a work like you have never known, and let’s get started together.
Seeing Your Life Through God’s Eyes
Seeing your life only through your own eyes can present a very narrow, critical, and limiting view of yourself. Where you see failure, God sees a ministry. Where you see all you don’t have, God reminds you of all you do have. When you can’t see a way out or a path forward, God sees through to the other side. Where you see defeat, God sees a victory in the making. You must learn to see yourself and your situation through God’s eyes if you intend to see what’s true, what’s possible, and what God has planned. That’s what this fast is all about. Over this next 21 days, allow the Lord to open your eyes into every part of your life to see all He has for you and all He is doing in you.
And so, as you’re joining us on the first day of the fast, I really want to encourage you to begin to expect God to fill you with vision. Vision for your life, vision for your family, vision for your business. Day one will be the most important day because half the battle is simply getting out of the boat and starting to walk. Our theme for the twenty-one days is “Open My Eyes.” Each day contains prayer designed to take you deeper into all God has for you in this new year and new season.
We’re beginning this year saying, “God, open our eyes.” Open our eyes to wonderful things. Open our eyes to revelation. Open our eyes to Your plan, Your direction, and Your purpose. Show us who You are. Show us Your glory. Open our eyes. Give us the eyes that Ephesians 1 talks about, the eyes of understanding. Lord, I ask that You give me eyes to see. I know that many things in my life will have distraction but I ask You to give me Your vision in whichever direction I look. Give me the perspective of Your sight, Your thoughts, and Your desires. For the things I should not be focusing on, turn my head and shift my eyes back to You.
Fasting Day 2: God's Ways (Romans12:2)
Day Two of the Fast is here and you have made it through one of the toughest days – the first one. By now, you are feeling the initial phase of any fast. For many people, today is the hardest, especially if your body is used to receiving a daily dose of caffeine from soda or coffee and the cry of the flesh for its greatest enemy – sugar! Press through today by drinking lots of water and clinging to Jesus. He is nearer than you ever imagined. Press in and ask your questions – spend time in worship and gratitude and allow Him to begin to unpack and heal the broken places and go before you in the stressful situations. Today, we’re emphasizing that God’s ways are not our ways. When you think about the situations that you’re facing, it’s so important to know God’s will in every situation. He enlightens us and He opens our eyes to His wisdom, knowledge, and direction for our life. One thing God promises when you fast is that He’ll open your eyes to divine direction.
His Ways Are Higher Than Our Ways
To know what God thinks about any situation you first have to understand that His ways and His thoughts are very different than our own. To know God’s will in every situation means you have to know Him personally and that can only happen through growing in His Word, through prayer, and by coming under Godly preaching and wise teachers. God will grow you up into maturity if you will make these a priority. You can settle for seeing what you can see in each of your children or you can see them through God’s eyes. You can try to work your way out of a sticky situation or you can inquire of the Lord and allow Him to show you a better way. His ways are knowable but you have to commit to the process of growing up in the Lord.
I want to encourage you today. You can try to work things out your way, and do it yourself, or you can say, “Lord, Your ways are better than my ways, and I’m going to commit the process to You. I give it to You on this fast.” Do not be conformed to this world, the Bible says, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable will of God. When you fast, you’re presenting your body as a living sacrifice. Fasting will help you find the perfect will of God in 2025 for your life. One of the most powerful truths of the Christian faith is that you don’t have to have all the answers. Your heavenly Father is the answer for every question and dilemma you will ever face. We waste so much time and energy worrying or trying to plan for every eventuality when the answer is so simple. Seek Him. Seek Him first. Matthew chapter six holds so many truths for how to live and how to approach every situation. It even contains the Lord’s prayer to teach us how to pray the model prayer. But if you read on to the end of the chapter you eventually come to this:
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:25-34
Lord, I thank You for everything You’ve done for me. I ask You to remind me that Your thoughts and Your ways are higher. Your purpose for my life is so much better than anything I could ever imagine or ask for. Help me remember when I don’t believe it sometimes. I know that You are greater than anything I could ever need and even when it is hard, I still need You, Lord. Help me as I fast and pray during this season. In the name of Jesus, today, I pray that our eyes will be opened, not to our way, but to Your way. Not to our will, but to Your will. And so, as we fast, and as we pray, open our eyes, give us solutions, give us answers, give us direction, God, for this new year. We seek You early, we seek You earnestly and with our whole heart.
Fasting Day 3: God's Power (Romans 8:11)
Welcome to Day Three of the Twenty-One Day Fast. By now you have fully entered something called “ketosis” which is your body’s way of saying that something is happening that is out of the ordinary. You will begin to notice a thick brown coat on your tongue and most will begin to lose weight, mostly water weight. Your body has also begun to adjust and some of the headaches and deep hunger pangs will begin to subside. But something else will begin to happen as well. As you work your way through the day noticing every restaurant and pizza commercial known to mankind – there will be moments of clarity. Don’t make it all about fighting through and just surviving each day. Even in the weak moments – especially in the weak moments – press in. I have learned that when I am at my weakest, if I will listen, He is the loudest. If you will see past your physical desires you will see a whole new dimension of your Savior and you will hear His voice speak into your life and your future.
Seeing God’s Power
Today’s topic is the power of God. You need to know that the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in you right this minute! So many times we say, “All things are possible with God!” quoting the famous passage from Luke 1:37. But do we really believe that? Is anything possible? What about for you personally? When Jesus gave the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, He gave us power to do what most would consider impossible. As I stood in the city of Jerusalem recently, I was reminded of the Upper Room where God sent the Holy Spirit. On that day we were all given power – power over the enemy, power to move mountains, power that heals, power that produces the anointing which breaks the yoke. I want to challenge you to look at a few places in your own life that perhaps you have given up on such as dreams, salvation for friends or relatives that seem unreachable, and even for miracles you need right now – a bad medical report, finances, a wayward child, a broken marriage. God is still in the miracle-working business and through the Holy Spirit we have the power living in us to change lives and circumstances in a moment.
Father, I ask You for supernatural power and anointing and resurrection power in dead dreams, dead marriages, and dead situations that feel like they are over. Lord, I know Your anointing can come. Send that power to our nation and to the world. Send Your power, Holy Spirit and open our eyes. Give us the vision that You have for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name.
Fasting Day 4: When We Only See What We Look For (Romans 8:28)
Welcome to Day Four of The Twenty-One Day Fast. By now, you have endured the headaches of those first couple of days as your body began to shed itself of the toxins and poisons we have learned to live with the last twelve months. By today, your stomach has begun to shrink, and for many of you, your hunger has subsided provided you have been drinking enough water – your best friend. But what will begin to sneak up on you at this stage are those pesky cravings. Remember, for most people, your body runs on an internal clock and when you wake up the stomach says to the brain, “It’s breakfast time. Time to eat!” The same thing happens at lunch and dinner time. We’re believing God to open your eyes in every situation. You can choose to see the negative or you can choose to see the positive, and that’s what happens when you begin to fast. God opens your eyes to wonderful things that are happening all around you. Both of us have more to praise God for than to gripe about. There is a unique discipline to the approach that we take when we begin to say, “God, open my eyes to life. Open my eyes to joy. Open my eyes on this fast to hope and victory. Open my eyes, Lord, so that I can see not with a critical eye, but with an encouraging eye that is filled with vision and expectation, approaching every situation knowing that God is up to something amazing.” He can even take the bad situations and make them great. He can make a good situation out of what has seemingly been a disaster in your life. That’s why the scripture said: “All things work together for good to those that love God, and that are called according to His purpose.” Push through these moments of weakness by replacing them with prayer, praise or even a walk sometimes helps. Remember, you are not alone! We are all in this together and if you should need company, join us on the daily fasting blog at jentezenfranklin.org.
Your Approach is Everything
I have learned that in every situation, people choose what they will focus on. Some are going to find everything that is wrong in every room they enter, while another group sees all the amazing and wonderful things that are happening. We see what we look for. The same applies to the way we see each other. There is a unique discipline to the approach we take to people, places, and situations. I have learned that your approach can speak life or death into every situation including your own. When that critical eye is turned on yourself it not only can be discouraging, it can be disastrous. But by the same token – approaching every situation knowing God is up to something amazing can take a bad situation and make it great – and a great situation and make it historic.
I have learned that in nearly every situation, especially in tense or difficult seasons or moments, there are two kinds of people. Most are what I call “thermometers” while a much smaller number are “thermostats.” Thermometers can tell you all about the room. They can describe every difficulty and flaw in great detail and can even define the problem – often times when no one else in the room even knew there was a problem. Far too often, these well-meaning folks can carry a spirit of negativity that can stop a move of God in its tracks. They have an eye for detail which can be a good thing, but if that eye is only looking for what’s wrong in the room, it can miss everything good that is happening. They see what they look for and what they look for are all the flaws – all the imperfections and they miss a move of the Spirit taking place in the very same room. “Thermostats” on the other hand see the same room, even the same problems and, rather than just announce the issues, they adjust the thermostat – and the temperature in the room changes without anyone even noticing the subtle change. They see the value in what is happening and look for ways to call attention to the good and minimize the bad. They don’t just explain what they see – they take action.
God, take the negativity out of me, and put in me the spirit of hope, faith, and love. Lord, we agree for it. Touch our eyes, open our eyes to see the positive. Help us to think positive thoughts. Teach us to believe for good things. Remind us that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Fasting Day 5: Gratitude Determines Attitude (John 16:33)
After you have fasted for 5 days your energy level may decrease because you are lacking the two things that normally keep you wound up: caffeine and sugar. Thankfully, the low energy blues don’t last too long if you will stick to your plan. As you fast today, remember this: gratitude determines your attitude. We need a spirit of gratitude, and what we’re praying for is that we will be thankful. One thing fasting does is it clears your mind. It removes all of the distractions of normal life, and you begin to develop a gratitude of your salvation and the fact that your name is written in heaven. Fasting reminds you of the fact that you have a covenant with God. When I fast, all of the problems of life that were so big before I started fasting begin to shrink. They become small when I get in the presence of God. I hope you’ll do that today as you worship. Put on some worship, and create an attitude of gratitude. Begin to thank God. Bless Him, out loud. Say praise words and praise phrases to God, and tell Him thank You for everything, for the small things and the great things. He’s worthy of the praise. People with great faith approach situations differently because they know the battle is won before they ever enter the room. They take the high road of just praising God, giving Him the glory. Just say, “Lord, I want You to give me on this fast a fresh attitude of gratitude.” If you’ll do that, you’ll see the goodness of the Lord in your life. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation,” Jesus said, “But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Listen to that. “Be of good cheer.” (John 16:33) Get an attitude of gratitude, smile, and thank God for His goodness in your life today. Give us that spirit that says, “God, I’m grateful.”
Your Gratitude Determines Your Attitude
In every situation you encounter there is always one thing you have complete control over: your attitude. Your attitude determines your approach and your approach to a situation or another person can escalate or de-escalate, bring tension or calm, trust or turmoil. If you truly believe that the Lord works all things together for your good, then start there. Start knowing that God is going to bring something good into every situation – that He has your best interest in mind.
I have learned through experience that a person’s attitude can tell me a lot about their level of faith. People with great faith approach situations differently because they know the battle is won before they ever enter the room. They take the high road because they know it’s not all about them. If you want to go higher with the Lord – then be humble – if you want to soar with eagles then learn patience and perseverance in the valley, knowing you are in God’s hands.
Father, bless and keep us today, and give us the spirit that says, “God, I’m grateful. If You never did anything else for me other than sending Your Son to die for me, it would be more than enough. Forgive me for the times I lose sight of that and develop an attitude of complaining and griping. Develop in me an attitude of gratitude that cannot be shaken. Today I will give thanks for You are good and Your love endures forever.”
Fasting Day 6: Perfect Vision Is Not Enough - Eyes On One Side Only (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Stay the course! Your first full work week is coming to an end and you can spend more time with the Lord as you fast. By now you have probably experienced it all: headaches, nausea, the brown tongue and the bad breath it produces, and the low energy spells. I promise you, if you will stay the course, there is a sweetness coming when you hit your stride in week two. Today, we’re fasting and praying, and we’re going to really center in on one word: focus. Ask God to give you the focus that you need this new year. Ask Him to show you what you need to focus on. Some people have 20/20 vision of their past, and they only focus on what’s behind them. They’re completely blind to the amazing future that God has for them. Whether you are wildly successful, or you’re enduring some of the greatest trials of your life, you don’t need to focus on your past. You need to focus on the future. God stands ready to hand you the next chapter of your life, but if all you can see is what’s behind you, you’ll never know what’s before you. Leave the past behind, and turn around, and see all that God has for you. He said in the scripture, “Not that I have already attained, or that I have perfected, but I press on and I fix my eyes on what lies ahead. I lay hold of that which the Lord Jesus has for me, and I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, I forget those things which are behind and I reach forward into those things which are ahead.” That’s what God wants you to do. Focus on what’s ahead, not on what’s behind. I believe you’re going to find that upward call of Jesus Christ.
Focus is Everything
You can’t grab hold of your future if you’re focused on your past. Allow me to paint a word picture. If your body is turned in one direction you can’t see what’s behind you because it’s physically impossible. You have to turn around to see the other direction. The same is true spiritually. Some people have 20/20 vision of their past – but they are completely blind to the amazing future God has for them.
Whether you were wildly successful or endured some of life’s greatest hardships in your past, at some point you have to turn your back on all that, turn around and adjust your focus on your future. God stands ready to hand you the next chapter of your life, but if all He can see is your back, you’ll never even know He’s there. Leave the past behind; turn around and see all the Lord has for you.
Father, we pray today for the right focus. Open our eyes to focus in on what matters, focus on our family, focus on our marriages, focus on people that love us, and that we love. Help us to have a focus, most importantly, on You, Jesus. We’re not fasting to be fasting. We’re fasting to see You, to focus on You, to make You supreme Lord of our lives.
Fasting Day 7: Seeing Your Sin (Psalm 139:21-24)
Welcome to Day Seven of fasting and prayer. One full week at the end of today. Drink your water and fight for time with the Lord. He is much nearer than you might have imagined and your breakthrough is closer than you think. Press in. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who are joining us on this fast, and we’re so thankful that you’re doing it today. I was recently in a very special place, the Garden of Gethsemane. As I stood there, I had you on my mind. And I prayed, “God, open their eyes to the price that Jesus paid and the value He placed on each of them when His sweat became as drops of blood; where He, in great anguish, took the cup and took into His body their sins, diseases, pain, and heartache.” Many of you are feeling the weakness of your flesh, and your spirit is willing saying, “Don’t quit. Don’t give up. You can do it. Seek God. Seek God.” But your flesh is saying, “Just quit. What difference is it making?” You know what? I would almost guarantee, if you’re truly fasting, you’ve entered into such warfare that the enemy has hit you with things out of nowhere and you want to give up. I’m praying for you that you will not quit, that you will not give up, but you will seek God and finish this first week with great victory. You know what? The devil’s a liar because he said you wouldn’t make it seven days, and you’ve made it seven days, and now you’re going to make it another seven days, and another seven days, because your heart is set to seek the Lord.
Open My Eyes to My Sin – If there be any wicked way in me, show me, Lord.
Today I want to challenge you to a time of self-reflection and honest inquiry with the Lord. It seems like everyone calls themselves a Christian these days, but we know that simply isn’t true. To be born again means just that – there has been a death to the old you and you have become a new creation. I am always a bit taken back to read where people can live together out of wedlock, steal on their taxes, rage at their spouse, or fill in the blank…and still come to church, lift their hands to Jesus and worship as if there was nothing wrong. For some it is sheer rebellion and disobedience. They know better and they choose to live in it. But I have also encountered people who sincerely and genuinely do not know that what they are doing is wrong in God’s eyes.
It isn’t always some overt in your face sin. For some it’s things they do in private, or in relationships, or even things they were brought up believing are normal. For others, it’s living in unforgiveness or bitterness. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to anything He wants to rid you of – take from you – or set you free from. Sometimes we can’t see sin with our natural eyes. But if you will ask if there is something there, He will show you. There is no time like during a fast when you are washing out all the toxins and impurities to have those areas of darkness and sin washed out as well.
Father, I pray today that our spirit man would become so strong that, as we fast, the flesh would be reduced and the spirit be made more and more like the image of Jesus Christ. We submit everything to You in prayer. Lord, I hold up the people who are fasting and praying these 21 days. I hold up their families. I hold up all the prayer requests that have been coming in. I hold them up, Lord, and I ask You to move mightily. Release angels the way an angel came and ministered to You in the Garden of Gethsemane, Lord. I pray angels will be released on this fast, angels that fight, angels that direct, angels that stand by us through life’s greatest storms. In Jesus’ mighty name, Hallelujah.
Fasting Day 8: Seeing Your Current Situation (Proverbs 3:5-6)
This is Day Eight of our 21-Day Fast, and we’re so glad that you’re joining us on this fast. One of the interesting things about fasting is that even though your world has been turned upside down for a season – the rest of the world goes along as if nothing is happening. But let me be the first to remind you – something is happening and all of heaven is sitting up and taking notice. Don’t look back now. Press on and press in!
Seeing God in the Storms of Life
Many times, the greatest obstacle to moving forward with the Lord isn’t in the past; it’s some paralyzing event or set of circumstances happening right now. Criticism, betrayal, conflict or even things like a bad medical report or a child who is far away from God can stop you where you stand and things like purpose, calling, and legacy seem like a distant, fading ship in the fog. I bring you good news – Jesus hasn’t gone anywhere, and just like He was with Peter when Peter walked on water – He is right there to save you. Your hope is not gone. Your future is secure and that set of circumstances you find yourself in is but a season, not a sentence. When your world appears as though it’s all falling apart in the physical, it’s actually falling into place in the spiritual. God’s got you!
Recently, Cherise and I were at the Dead Sea, which is literally the lowest place on the earth. Maybe you’re there, spiritually. Maybe you’re there emotionally. The reason that it’s called the “Dead Sea” is because there’s nothing living in it. It’s so salty because it has no outlets. It only takes in, it doesn’t give out. Here is the lesson of the Dead Sea: When you get discouraged, go and help somebody else. Encourage somebody else. Love somebody else. Don’t become a Dead Sea, only taking in and never giving out. Sometimes when you’re fasting and praying, it will bring up a lot of negative emotions. Elijah, when he fasted, went under a juniper tree and became depressed. Fasting cleanses us spiritually, yes, but it cleanses and stirs us emotionally as well. But what brought Elijah out of his cave of depression was when God told him to go anoint somebody else. When he went and anointed three people, his depression lifted. Trust Him and draw near. He is your protector, defender and your strong tower. He goes before you and prepares the way. In times like these you have to trust God and lean not in your own understanding. Keep walking with Him; especially when your emotions are taking you down a darker path. Stop where you are, look up and call out His name. He will answer you and direct your path back to the light. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). This is a promise you can count on when your emotions cause you to fear and see only the negative.
Father, encourage people today. Turn them from a Dead Sea to a flowing mighty river. Today when they are tempted to take their eyes off of You and onto the storm, remind them of the hope of glory You’ve called them to. Shift their perspective and focus to find You in every storm. Remind them that You are near to the brokenhearted and close to the crushed in spirit. In Jesus’ Name.
Fasting Day 9: Seeing Your Potential (Joel 2:24-29)
Welcome to Day Nine of our 21-day Fast. I have been to the mountain where the Bible said, “Jesus, for 40 days and 40 nights, fasted and prayed in the wilderness, being led by the Spirit.” I cannot imagine why He chose that place for such a historical event. It’s so barren out there with none of the comforts of our life. To be out in those extreme places and to know what Christ went through there was almost overwhelming. Today, as we are fasting and we’re praying, I want to focus on those of you who are in a wilderness place right now. I want you to focus on being led of the Spirit, wherever the Spirit leads you. If He’s allowing you to be in the middle of a wilderness situation in your life, it’s because He’s going to bring something out of it. The Bible said, “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit.” And that’s what I believe is going to happen to you on this fast. As you come out of it, you’re going to return in the power of the Holy Spirit – the very same spirit Jesus was talking about. If you haven’t been able to focus on anything other than your hunger pangs, you are about to experience a sweetness in your daily walk and prayer time. It’s a natural response from a supernatural God.
God has an Amazing Purpose for Your Life
Did you know you were created for a purpose that is bigger than you could imagine? In fact, if I could do anything differently in my thirty-plus years of ministry I would have dreamed bigger! Not only can I never out-give God – I can’t out-dream Him. And neither can you. If there is one thing I can tell you for certain it’s that God has a plan and a purpose for your life that He thought of long before you were even born. Scripture confirms this over and over. What an exciting time to be alive and what an amazing gift to know He has a plan and a purpose for the one life you’ve been given to live.
I want to challenge you to see what’s possible – and then see it bigger. It’s easy to imagine something for a moment and say, “That would be nice.” But I’m talking about actually getting a picture in your head and seeing it, today, tomorrow, and every day. And here’s the good news – none of what you can imagine is dependent solely on you. You plus the Lord is an army and anything is possible.
Allow me to pray for you today. Father, the Bible teaches that You, Jesus, were led of the Spirit, after being baptized in the Jordan River, to the wilderness to fast and pray. And God, I pray for those that are encountering their wilderness. I thank You today, that Your grace is sufficient. I thank You today that the Comforter is with us. And I thank You, Lord, that You’re going to bring people out of this fast, with the power of the Holy Spirit, resting heavily on them.
Fasting Day 10: Through The Eyes Of Those Closest To You (Hebrews 7:17)
I want to welcome you to Day Ten. As we’re fasting and praying together, we’re so thankful for this massive army that is joining us, all over the world, people fasting and praying. And today the focus is on, “Open my eyes, Lord, and let me see through the eyes of those who know me best.” You know, it’s our family that matters the most. And sometimes we’re impressing others, but we’re not really having impact on our own families. I pray that what we are in public is seen in private by our families. I also want to really encourage you to spend time with others who are fasting. You can do that in person or online. Another way to stay connected is to go to our website and blog with other people fasting just like you. Go to jentezenfranklin.org for fasting friends, recipes and other resources designed to help you finish this fast.
Seeing Yourself Through the Eyes of Those That Know You Best
If your family was asked to describe your character what would they say? If they were asked about your strengths and weaknesses would there be any surprises? Most of us have a public life and a private life and our families see us in our private lives when our guard is down. Who we are in public matters. But what our families and those who know us best see matters even more.
If I’ve led thousands to the Lord but lost the respect and admiration of my family then something is not right. To see yourself through your immediate and extended family’s eyes and those who know you best is an exercise worth trying. I don’t ever want to be what’s standing between Jesus and those I love the most. And neither do you.
Father, today, on this 10th day, do a work in our families and in our own life, through the eyes of those who know us best. Let us be transparent and pure and real. Let us be kind. Let us be forgiving. Let us be compassionate one to another, tenderhearted, as the scripture said, with brothers, with sisters, with parents, with children, with any areas of reconciliation needed. I pray today for that kind of power to be released on our families and in our own lives, In Jesus’ name.
Fasting Day 11: Through The Eyes Of Conflict (1 Peter 3:9)
It’s Day Eleven of our 21-day Fast. I pray that the daily devotion and the lessons on each page have helped grow you. I also pray that your eyes have been opened to things you haven’t seen before. And I come bearing good news – the best is yet to come. The last ten days are the sweetest of all if you will stay the course. I also come with a word of grace – if you fall off the wagon and eat something that violates the fast you committed to, shake it off. Jump back in immediately. It doesn’t mean you are a bad person; it means you are human. There’s grace for that. Today we’re focusing on eyes that are open to seeing resolved conflicts in our life. Are there conflicts on your job? Are there conflicts in your family? Are there conflicts with friends? Maybe somebody said something, did something, that has really offended you or hurt you.
Seeing Conflict Through God’s Eyes
I remember reading that over 70% of all people do not enjoy their work. When this is broken down, two of the most common reasons are difficult colleagues and office politics. When the statistics are that high, then I know I’m speaking to a whole lot of folks. There will always be difficult people in our lives because we are all human and all uniquely different. My guess is that when I said “difficult person” a face came to your mind. The question isn’t, “How do you see the most difficult person in your world?” The important question is, “What do you do with the most difficult person in your life?”
Hold the face of that difficult person in your focus for a moment and answer a few questions. What does that person think of you? When that person sees you do they see a loving man or woman of God or something else? Didn’t Jesus die for your most difficult person? How do you think God sees that difficult person? Could there be a reason the Lord placed you in that person’s life?
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray today for the spirit of peace. I pray today for the spirit of reconciliation, of victory in every conflict. There are many people who are going through things during this fast. Maybe it’s a lawsuit; maybe it’s a problem on the job where there’s great conflict. May You open our eyes and give us the method, the way to peace and reconciliation with people in difficult situations. We ask for it, Lord. We submit it to You today, God. I thank You for the anointing to bring the resolution to conflict into these situations. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Fasting Day 12: Opening Your Eyes To The Presence Of God (Psalms 139:16-17)
Welcome to Day Twelve! Today’s topic – the Presence of God is what this fast is all about and I truly believe that if you have been fasting this past 11 days that you are experiencing His presence and sensing a call to what God would have you do next. Press in and stay the course, my friend. This next nine days will go by in a flash! Today we’re focusing on the Lord opening our eyes to the presence of Jesus. There’s an amazing verse in Luke 2 that talks about how Jesus was lost and his parents didn’t even know it. They sought for Him and, after a few days, they found Him in the temple. It’s amazing to me that those who were closest to Jesus lost His personal presence. And that’s what fasting is really all about. Fasting is saying, “Lord, I feel distant. I know I’m saved. I know You love me and I know that I love You, but I feel like I’m losing Your presence in my life. I want Your presence in an intimate way, near me again.” The Bible said His parents found Him in the temple. I’m praying that today, as you fast and you pray, God will open your eyes, and you’ll find the personal presence of Jesus. In the midst of all the distraction, in the midst of the busyness of life, that as you’re fasting, it’s like a spiritual string tied on your finger to remind you: “I need You, Jesus. I need Your presence in a new year. I want Your Presence, not just in my church, but in my home. I want it in my family. I want Your presence in my life and I want You to live in me, and perfect in me Your image and Your will.” Today, may the Lord open your eyes to the presence of Jesus; His healing presence, His delivering presence, His encouraging presence that drives fear away. Let His presence fill you with courage and boldness, and let fear melt off of you today.
Seeing and Experiencing the Presence of God
What an amazing thought that the God of the universe thinks about me. And He thinks about you…a lot. So many people see their relationship with God as all one way – praying to God, worshiping God, and learning from His Word. But there is a whole other dimension when you consider that God wants to speak to you about you. Like any other relationship, it’s a two-way communication.
If there is anything I have learned about my relationship with the Lord it’s that He desires to speak to me, reveal things to me, and love me. I don’t hear audible voices so it’s not anything like that, but I will tell you this, I know when He’s spoken to me, and so will you. And I know when I have been in His Presence and there isn’t anything that compares.
Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray today for the tens of thousands of people that are joining us on this fast. May the presence of Jesus be real in their life. May they find You. May the presence of God be found; the tangible anointing of God in our lives. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Fasting Day 13: The Incense Of Prayer
As we approach the end of week 2, hopefully you have hit your stride and you have experienced moments of peace or, better yet, revelation. Remember to stay connected to others at this time at jentezenfranklin.org. Today, we’re talking to you about the “Incense of Prayer.” The Bible said in Psalm 141:2 that our prayers rise before God as incense. In Jerusalem there is a very special place of prayer called the Wailing Wall. If you go to the Wailing Wall anytime – 24 hours a day – there’s prayer going up…prayer going up like incense. When we pray and when we fast we believe that we can affect change for the good. There’s something about praying that God would release His help, His love, His mercy and His grace on our families, our lives, on our nation, and on the nation of Israel.
Blind Spots
I want to encourage you today to send your prayers up all day long. We’re believing for God to move mightily in your life as you’re fasting, as you’re praying, and as this ministry is fasting and praying. We do it every year at the beginning of the year. I’m also seeking the Lord through fasting and praying just like you. I praise the Lord for those of you who are joining us. Never forget – fasting does two things to your prayers. It builds your faith and increases your fervency. The two things that God said you have to have to get prayers answered is faith and fervency. And when we fast it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much.
Are there places in your life where your vision is obstructed? If yes, stop and pray right now and yield those places to the Lord. If you can’t think of any, then ask the Lord to reveal places where you aren’t seeing the full picture. Sometimes it’s a bias or something you have just always believed was true. Maybe it’s a blind spot you have in a relationship or in the way you see another person…maybe even a person who is very close to you. If you will ask the Lord to reveal these areas of your thinking or belief system…He will. He may not reveal it immediately but I believe if you will ask Him, He will show you before this 21-day fast is over.
The two things that God said you must have to have your prayers answered are faith and fervency. When we fast and we pray it gives faith and gives fervency to our prayers. The effectual fervent prayers of righteous men and women avail much. So God, I pray today for those who are fasting and praying by the millions around the world. I thank You, Lord, for those who have made a decision to say, “God, open my eyes to the power of prayer, of burning incense.” If it’s worth worrying about, it’s worth praying about. God says, “I hear your prayers from this holy place.” And God, I just pray today for every person who needs Your help and needs Your strength, Your love, Your mercy and Your grace. Touch our families, touch our lives. Touch each ministry fasting with us as well. Oh God, keep Your hand upon us and hear our cry and hear our prayer. We pray today for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray today for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We pray Your hand mightily upon them with protection and favor and help. And Lord, I pray for our country. I pray for our elections. I pray for this year that we would have leaders who stand with Israel – who will stand and remember Jerusalem and remember our connection to our faith. It all goes back to Jerusalem where Jesus Christ bled and died, and He rose from the dead. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Fasting Day 14: Foreign Objects
Welcome to the 14th day of fasting and prayer. You’re headed into your final week now, the final seven days. I’m believing for breakthroughs like you’ve never dreamed or seen. Please know I’m praying for you today that God would open your eyes like never before and give you the power of a firm stand. The Bible said in Joshua chapter 4, “After they crossed over the Jordan into the promised land, that they stood in the middle of the river bed to gather the rocks to build an altar.” You’re going to be standing in the middle of your miracles this year as you fast and as you pray. Don’t be shocked at where you end up.
Your Inner Eyes-Wisdom and Discernment
They say that nothing is more harmful to the eye than foreign objects. In fact, God gave you two different features designed to keep foreign objects out: the eyelid and the sclera. The eyelid is the outer protection that we close when we see harmful objects coming. But the sclera, which is the white of your eyes, protects the eyes from the unseen items that try to assault your eyes such as pollen, dust, and tiny particles that can create discomfort or even severe damage. In the spiritual sense, the eyelid would be wisdom for the issues you encounter each day whereas the sclera would represent discernment.
Not every challenge you will face will be seen with the naked eye. Many times, the challenges are only felt or sensed. That’s why it’s critical that you have a prayer time and spend time in God’s Word. Your spiritual sensitivity will give you a “no” in your spirit when everyone else sees only a yes. Your spiritual sensitivity – or discernment – is what will cause you to see the truth in a situation where your physical eyes see just the opposite. That comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God.
Father, bless today those who are fasting and praying with the power of a strong firm stand and a thirst to know You and Your thoughts, and Your ways better. In Jesus’ name. God bless you and keep you. May His face shine on you, be gracious unto you, lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. God bless Jerusalem and God give them peace like never before. Amen.
Fasting Day 15: Eyes Filled With Pain
Here we go! The third and final week! While this could be your greatest breakthrough week ever, I do want to warn you about a few things. Every commercial you see on television will be a pizza commercial. It will seem as though there are one thousand more restaurants in your city and cheeseburgers will be on every billboard. So you have to be like Peter when he got out of that boat. Don’t look! Keep your eyes on Jesus.
As We Age – We Must Remain Flexible and our Eyes Must Be Open to New Ways of Looking at Old Truths in New Ways.
Change is inevitable, and sometimes it’s harder to navigate as you get older. As we age, our eyes have to be recalibrated through new eyes-glasses in the physical and a teachable, flexible attitude in the spirit world. One of the signs that an eye is aging is when the surface begins to harden and becomes less flexible. Things that used to be crystal clear are now blurry. After you pass the age of 40, it’s harder to focus on objects up close. Presbyopia is a normal loss of focusing ability as you grow older. For a time, you can compensate for presbyopia by holding reading material farther away from your eyes, but eventually you will need reading glasses or surgery. The same is true when it comes to your spiritual life. As we age, the world begins to change all around us and what used to be clear becomes blurry and, despite our efforts to compensate, we need God’s help to see what He is doing today. You can try to act like everything is fine – or worse yet, you can dig in and insist you don’t need to change anything. But it’s not long until you are bumping into everyone and everything and creating more problems than you are solving.
No matter what your age, the Lord’s not through with you yet. Allow Him to open your eyes to new ways of doing things and new roles He has for you as you age gracefully but effectively. The church is in desperate need of wise counsel and men and women who have braved the storms of life - seeing the highs and lows - and who are willing to walk patiently with the young.
Let’s pray. Father, thank You that, just like at the Pool of Bethesda, You are still the Healer. You are still the Anointed One, and You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. I pray for every person reading this to receive a fresh anointing to be healed, and that long-time, long-term difficulties and bondages would break in the name of Jesus while we fast and pray.
Fasting Day 16: Godly Contentment
I pray that you are experiencing the Lord in amazing ways. You have His attention so press in. Ask your questions and allow Him to reveal His plans for you. Write everything down that He shows you so you have a reminder when this season of fasting is over. Press in, friend. Worship Him and tell Him you love Him and allow Him to fill your room, car or wherever you are with His presence.
Contentment is Directly Connected to Gratitude
The dictionary definition of the word “contentment” is “a state of happiness and satisfaction.” Let me ask you a question: Are you happy? I understand hunger, drive, goals and dreams…but putting all those aside for just a moment, are you happy? When happiness and contentment are always something out in the future that occurs after we have arrived or after some great achievement, we miss God all together.
When you are walking through the dark hallway of life’s pressures and trials, God can open your eyes to discover untapped potential, beauty, truth, and life. True contentment can only be experienced when our eyes are open to all God has done for us and we are rooted in gratitude and our eyes can see what is so obvious to everyone else. If all you had was your salvation you would have enough to be thankful for every day. If your family is saved as well you are blessed beyond measure in any situation…even death.
Lord, I thank You for all that You’ve done for me. I love You and I praise You for the blessings You’ve given me. I ask You, God, to keep my contentment and happiness always focused on You. I don’t want my happiness and contentment to be filled by something or someone else. Remind me to not fill that with other things of this world. I know only You, God, can fully bring me love and happiness, joy and contentment. Don’t let the things of this world pull me away from that truth.
Fasting Day 17: We Win! Over And Over
Welcome to Day Seventeen of the 21-day Fast! By now, depending on how closely you stuck to the fast, you should actually feel bursts of energy and incredible mental clarity. It is amazing what the brain can do when the body rids itself of toxins and the digestive system has been given rest. You have probably lost weight which has other positive health benefits. But don’t think for a second that you are above temptation. Stay connected to others, especially now when you are so close. We’re believing for God to do great and mighty things in your life today. I want to encourage you to ask God for any and everything that your heart is full of.
Knowing the Battle has Already Been Won Should Affect How You See the Problems and Challenges You Face
It always amazes me to see people get so worked up about the evil that exists in the world. Don’t get me wrong, the Bible says that we are to hate evil…and I do, but not as one who lives in fear that evil might win. The victory for all time was won at Calvary and the deal was sealed with the empty tomb. The end result has never been in doubt in God’s eyes. That’s a perspective far too many overlook. If you will allow the Lord to open your eyes to what’s true about the enemy Satan you will see a desperate being who knows his time is short and his final end is near.
Knowing you are in a fight where the outcome has already been decided should change the way you carry yourself when difficulties arise and when discouragement comes knocking at your door. You carry an extraordinary mantle of victory and the banner of the King’s child into every situation you encounter. If we ever really understood who we are and knew that we would always win we would carry ourselves very differently in every situation. Victory doesn’t always look like victory in a particular moment but every war has its battles and one battle does not win the war. We win when setbacks do not leave us feeling at a loss. We win when we truly model with our countenance that we are victorious because the battle has already been won. We need to act like we really believe that because we did – He did.
Lord, in the final few days of this fast, we submit everything to You, knowing we are victorious already because the battle has been won! We humbly ask for Your will in all we do with the time we have here on earth. You are sovereign, God, and we trust You, even when we don’t understand everything. We completely surrender to You. Take out of us the will to try to control and play God, because You are God and we are not. And so, Lord, we submit all things to You in prayer and fasting today. And I know Your will is going to be done and Your will is always right. So, God, we bless You. In Jesus’ name we commit and submit all things into Your hand. Amen and Amen.
Fasting Day 18: How You Win Everyday
The final weekend is at hand and so is food around every corner. You’ve come too far to turn back now. Don’t settle for anything less than the full 21 days. Remember also that if you slip up here or there, jump right back in. You are never disqualified from setting yourself apart to be with Jesus. If you have learned anything by now, I pray you have learned that advancement in the kingdom is a spiritual process – not a physical one. Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world – and most importantly, we win – not by might and not by power, but by His Spirit in us. Today I want to focus on staying sharp through the daily disciplines of the faith. In some parts of the country there are lumberjack competitions where the biggest and strongest compete by chopping down trees and sawing through thick logs. In one such competition, there was a match between a young, strong ax man and an older, slimmer one. By the end of the day of competition, the old man had cut down double the amount of trees that the young man had cut down. Frustrated the younger ax man finally confronted the older and said, “I don’t understand. I never stopped swinging. I never stopped. You know, I never stopped cutting down trees and yet you took two breaks every hour. How could you cut down more trees?” The older man, with humble eyes and a kind reply said, “Every time I stopped, I sharpened my axe.” A lot of people are swinging, but they don’t have the edge. You can chop all you want, but if you’ve lost the edge, it won’t matter. You will feel defeated and worn out, swinging as hard as you can, all day every day, only to feel defeated with winning always just out of reach.
Your Enemy Isn’t Human – Your Weapons are Not Carnal (man-made)
If there was any one point I would want you to walk away knowing, more than anything else, it’s that because you are a Christian there will be attacks on your life and the lives of your loved ones. I would want you to know that your enemy does not wear a human face because he is a spirit and because he is a spirit, no man-made weapon can help you. I would ask that you be able to see the many weapons at your disposal, but they are not instruments you can hold in your hand.
Your weapons are your testimony and scripture, to stand and not fall. The battle belongs to the Lord. Just like Jesus did when tempted by Satan in the wilderness, He responded with scriptural reminders about the God He served rather than engage in debate or argument.
According to II Corinthians 10:4 the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. The attacks of the enemy are real, but no weapon formed against you shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17).
So Father, I just pray for every person who is reading this today, that You would give them their edge back. Give them that spiritual power, not just swinging the ax, not just a dull blade, but give them that sharpness back in their walk like never before. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Fasting Day 19: The Unseen Road Ahead
It’s Day Nineteen of the Fast. By now, you’re craving a hamburger, you’re craving some steak, you’re craving a lot of things. For some people these past 18 days have just been normal days. The question is: Will the normal days do for them what these 18 days of sacrifice did for you? Will putting God first for this season of your life, and this year of your life matter? What will it do for you? His Word says in Matthew chapter 6, “If you seek me first, I’ll add all the rest that you will ever need.” And that’s exactly what we’re believing for. Today, I just want to challenge you to submit the choices and the decisions that you have to make to God in prayer and in fasting. That in every decision, moment, and every crossroads you come to, His will will be apparent to you. Even when you have to make a quick decision, you don’t have to do a lot of praying because you have been with Him – and His will reveals itself to you in a way that brings peace and confirmation. The Bible says in Proverbs 3 to “Acknowledge Him in all of your ways, and He’ll direct your path.” What we’re doing on this fast is saying again and again “Lord, lead me.”
God Has a Plan for Your Life – and Total Surrender is the Quickest Road to Your Future
You may have heard the comment that if you want to make God laugh, make plans. There is actually more truth to that than meets the eye. There is a plan and a purpose for your life, whether you can see it right now or not. Here’s another shocker. Even if you have a dream you see out in the future, more often than not, what lies ahead is far greater than you even imagined. I believe there is an assignment on every life and yours is the one requiring your DNA. Imagine Moses or David…Peter or Paul. Could they have ever even imagined the directions their lives would go once they committed to walking with Christ? No way. And neither can you.
I have a challenge for you. If you truly want to give God permission to do anything with your life He wants, then simply proclaim these three simple statements: I’ll go anywhere. I’ll go anytime. I’ll do anything. There is no telling all the Lord will do with the person who says those three things.
And Father, I pray today for every decision that we will face this year. We need Your wisdom, Lord. We need Your divine help. We need Your direction. We submit to You today in fasting and in prayer. Guide our steps. Lead our children and our children’s children to the right schools, to the right people, to the right friends, right choices, right voices, right decisions. In Jesus’ mighty name.
Fasting Day 20: Seeing Your Purpose
For most people on this 21-day journey, it’s the end of the final week and you are at the end of your fasting time. I believe you will see results that continue to happen throughout the rest of the year and even into next December as we have witnessed every year from so many people. The fast isn’t just about what happens during these 21 days. I’m going to pray for you today and for your family and for your life as you’re fasting and as you’re praying. Just release your faith now. Make up your mind that this is going to be a year of prayer. I have been fasting right along with you every step of the way and have felt the things you have felt physically and worshipped right along with you under that same set of stars. I never regret one single second I have fasted and the rewards have been too many to count. I will be praying that the Lord gives you extra strength these last few hours until the fast ends.
What If Your Purpose was Everything You Can Imagine? Trust Your Kingdom Desires.
I have a question for you. What if the very thing God has for your life is exactly what you would love to do the most? The problem with that for so many people is that they really don’t know what that is. What about you? When you dream a dream, what do you see? Who is there with you? What kinds of things are you doing? Who are you helping? Psalm 37:4 says to “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” What are the desires of your heart? I believe that God wants us, as New Testament believers, to establish this year in prayer. Drive a stake down and say I will pray this year! You need a place of prayer and you need a time of prayer if you’re going to have the power of consistency in prayer. So just make up your mind that you’re going to have a time of prayer and a place of prayer this year. The thing about prayer is that even if you don’t feel like praying, when you have an appointment with God, you can go and be silent. Your very presence says, “I’m here for you, Jesus. I’m here to be with you. I’m here, just in the silence.” Sometimes when I go to my prayer place, I pray out loud. I like to walk through the woods and if you came up on me, you would think I was talking to myself, but I’m really talking to God. But other times I just walk those trails. The moment that my feet hits those trails, I sense and I know and I believe God knows that I’m there for Him. Sometimes I don’t talk at all. I just walk and think. I just say, “I’m here, Lord, and I worship you.” Sometimes I’ll put on some music in my ears and just listen to worship and walk through those woods and give God praise and give God thanksgiving. You decide in those moments what you will do – but make that appointment – pick that place and designate that time. He will meet you there every time.
Too often we wrestle with the question, “Is this from the Lord or from my own mind?” But I have come to learn that when I am walking with Jesus, I can trust the desires I have as seeds He is planting in me; desires He is giving me just like the passage says. But I also believe that God helps us by confirming what we think we have heard from the Lord through His Word, His people, or by revelation.
Lord, from this powerful place of prayer, I humbly acknowledge You, Jesus, as Lord. And I praise You. I pray this prayer over the people who have fasted and prayed for 20 days. Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation in this year, deliver us from the evil one in this year. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Fasting Day 21: Seeing Your Purpose
Welcome to Day Twenty One of the 21-day Fast of this year. You made it! You did it and I’m so proud of you! I believe God is saying, “I’m well pleased and I’ve received your fast and I’ve received your prayers,” and God is opening your eyes to the wonderful things, to the mighty things. I pray you have experienced God’s presence in ways you will never forget. I pray that the Lord has opened your eyes to things you never saw before. I pray that you have been changed forever and that the ramifications of this 21 days will be felt all around the globe. Please email us or leave a response or fasting testimony by going to jentezenfranklin.org.
If You Can See It, You Can Be It. Get a Picture in Your Mind of Where You are Going.
As you finish your twenty-one day fast I want to challenge you to take a moment right where you are and think of one thing you would like to see the Lord do in the next thirty days. Now I want to ask you to take that something and get a picture in your mind of what it looks like if it were to happen. See it with as much detail and clarity as you possibly can.
Do you have enough faith to actually see what you need or are asking for? I believe opening the eyes of your mind to see what’s possible is a missing ingredient for far too many people doing their best to stand on faith and belief, but not daring to actually see it in their mind’s eye. If you truly desire that something in the Lord, paint that picture in your mind today – and watch to see the miracle that is possible when faith takes a picture and allows it to develop over time. You can’t get somewhere you can’t see. You won’t find acres of diamonds until you get a divinely-inspired image of what it might look like.
God, I thank You so much for getting me through the end of this fast. I praise You for the strength and willpower You have given me. I praise You for helping me overcome the hungers and aches, the temptations and trials. I ask You to help me continue to see the bigger picture for my future, to continue for me to believe in greater things to come. I thank You for everything.